The 7 Proven Secrets of Marketing You Should Know To Become Successful

8 min readMay 16, 2021


  • Are you worried about your business?
  • Are you a fresher interested in learning digital marketing?
  • Do you want to improve the marketing strategies to grow your business?
  • Do you want to learn the most fundamental secrets of marketing?

If your answer is ‘YES’ for any of the above questions, then you’re at the right place. This article is extremely useful for entrepreneurs, business owners, freshers, and digital marketers.

Here we’re going to discuss the 7 most proven secrets of marketing which will undoubtedly help you to grow your business. So, are you ready?
Let’s get started!

1. Set your Financial Goal & Stick To Them

“You can’t manage what you don’t measure and you can’t improve what you don’t manage. Start with goal setting.” — Jeff Boss, Forbes

Here we’re talking about the importance of setting goals. But, the question arises, how often do you effectively utilize goal setting and action?
Or, let’s put it in this way: When you’re in the office, how much time you are spending on the emails and phone calls, compared to being proactive and working for the future you want for your business?
That’s why goal setting has proven benefits, in all aspects of daily life — personal, professional, and, above all, financial.

Let’s take an example: Do you know how to make 1 Crore?

It’s quite simple. Here I’ll tell you the 4 different ways to earn ₹1 Crore in two years. Excited? Let’s have a look!

Source: Digital Deepak

While looking at the graph, it’s all about basic mathematics.
When we think about ₹1 Crore, we feel like it’s a very big number and we start thinking how am I going to achieve it? Right?
Let me explain simply.

  • For 100 customers * Rs 100,000 = 1 Cr
  • For 1000 customers * Rs 10,000 = 1 Cr
  • For 10,000 customers * Rs 1000 = 1 Cr
  • For 100,000 customers *Rs 100 = 1 Cr

So, this is how you make ₹ 1 Cr in revenue.
To do this, you must first acquire these customers by spending ₹1 Crore to make ₹1 Crore for 1,00,000 customers, then advertise to acquire them, and once you have these 1,00,000 customers who have already purchased something from you, it will generate a network, and the next time you have 10% of 1 lakh customers who buy a product worth ₹1000, you will be able to make out of it.

2. The Law of Marketing

  • Marketing is based on science but not creativity.

Yes, this is a fact. Many people believe that marketing is just about creativity and usually they come up with well-creative advertising, slogan, creative products, and so on. But it’s not.
Marketing arises even before the creation of the product. The first step is to understand the customers and their needs which in turn leads to the creation of a product that’s why we say that marketing is based on science but not creativity.

  • Marketing is about sending the right message, to the right person, at the right time.

Yes it’s true. When we are sending any message via emails or phones or text, we need to make sure that it should reach out to the right people with the right message at a right time. This is one of the success mantra for the marketers.

But, nowadays the mantra is ‘Sending out the Right Message at the Right Time to the Right Person via the Right Channel’.

  • Marketing is not just selling, it is to make our existing customers happy by communicating with them to make them our permanent customers. Word of mouth is the best marketing path.
  • Advertising, Copywriting, Sales; all are the components of marketing.
  • Marketing is not just something that helps you to discover the product, but it also creates a perception about the product. For example: Apple
    They do great marketing for their products and people feels special if they have an apple device such as an iPhone or a laptop.

3. Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing

What is digital marketing?

The art of getting customers for a business via online and digital mediums is called Digital Marketing.

In other words, digital marketing is nothing but using digital channels such as websites and social media as tools for marketing communication.

Some of the common digital marketing methods are:

  1. Search Engine Marketing (PPC)
  2. Search Engine Optimisation (Organic Traffic)
  3. Email Marketing
  4. Social Media Marketing
  5. Digital Display Marketing
  6. Content Marketing

What is traditional marketing?

It is a marketing strategy which involves using the medium like Print Media, Tv Media, Radio and Outdoor Media for advertising. This medium still the most widespread and most of the advertising budget is allocated for this medium by large corporations.

Understanding Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

The main difference between digital and traditional marketing is the medium through which an audience encounters a marketing message. While traditional marketing uses traditional media like magazines and newspapers, digital marketing uses digital media, such as social media or websites.

  • In India traditional marketing is most dominated medium and most of the companies allocate huge budget for traditional campaigns.
  • In the past few years Digital Media Marketing has grown rapidly and present estimation is $190.2 B.

4. CATT Marketing Funnel

What is the CATT marketing funnel? For any business, to create wealth, it’s very important to find a specific niche.
So, Wealth = n^CATT

Where “n” stands for chosen Niche of category/subcategory .

CATT is defined as:

[C] Content- creating useful content that attracts people from the niche i.e. through blogs, videos, lead magnets, live webinars, etc.
[A] Attention- Drive attention traffic to your content using SEO, Social Media, Paid Ads, and Referrals.
[T] Trust- Develop deep trust with the audiences using tripwires, marketing automation, and retargeting.
[T] Transaction- Convert leads into customers with natural sales methods.

5. Importance of Communication Skills

  • Good Marketing is all about good communication.
    Yes, it right. It doesn’t mean to use good vocabulary or grammar. The only thing to do is whether you’re able to deliver your thoughts effectively that’s enough.
  • Write as you talk.
    It means you need to feel that while writing about any topic, you should imagine a person who is there in front of you and start building conversation. More importantly, understand your target audience very well.
  • Write, Write and Write!
    Yes, the more you write, the better you can write and speak and your communication level will improve a lot. Also, you’ll have better clarity in your thought process.
    Communication skills can also be improved by watching standup comedy shows and sitcoms. (The Office, Friends, etc)

6. Integrated Digital Marketing

Integrated Digital Marketing

Integrated Digital Marketing, as the name suggests, is a combination of various marketing strategies to develop a cohesive online approach for your business. Typically, it contains:

  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimisation (Organic Traffic)
  • Search Engine Marketing (PPC)
  • Paid Advertising

Content Marketing : It is a long-term strategy that focuses on building a strong relationship with your target audience by giving them high-quality content that is very relevant to them on a consistent basis.

Email Marketing: It is the process of targeting your audience and customers through email.

Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing is nothing but the act of creating content to promote your business and products on multiple social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Search Engine Optimisation: Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the practice of getting targeted traffic to a website from a search engine’s organic rankings.

Search Engine Marketing: It is the strategy of using paid advertising to get your website to appear on the first page of the search engine results pages (SERP).

Simply, Search Engine Optimisation → Gaining traffic through unpaid or organically and Search Engine Marketing → Gaining traffic through paid ads.

Paid Advertising: It is a marketing strategy to generate traffic to site using paid ads on search engines, external websites and mobile apps.

7. Personal Branding

Personal branding refers to the process of establishing your public persona for your target audience.

Think about some of the biggest brands’ public images. Nike, for instance, has built a brand around celebrating athletes, creating high-performance products, and supporting consumers who want to live active lifestyles.
You’ll see examples of those branding factors and everything that that Nike, from ads in magazines and on television to its social media profiles.
That’s exactly the approach you need to take when creating a personal brand. You might not publish ads in magazines or create television commercials, but you have to think about how your brand is represented when you communicate with your audience online.

The Evolution of a Personal Brand

Learn: The best way of learning about anything is by doing. So, learn a new skill through concepts, facts, and procedures. Understand the concepts, remember the facts and practice the procedures.

Work: Convert your newfound skill to work. Implement it in the real world, for example, freelancing, own project, etc.

Blog: After learning, you can go ahead and write about what you have learned and experienced through your work. When you write, you not only understand it better, but in the process, you also build up your own personal brand.

Consult: Now that you have your brand through your blog. You can reach out to people, you already have work experience and have learned the fundamentals. Also, you can go ahead start consulting other businesses to grow instead of working for them.

Mentor: Teach people about your work and be a mentor for them by helping them to reach their goals. They might be your students, professionals, or entrepreneurs who want to use your methodology.

Start-up: Finally, you can start your own product or service business with the understanding that you have developed about the market, the problem, and your own skills.


I hope this article makes you more information about marketing and your thoughts are very much clear about why marketing is essential in all business.

I have learned all these secrets from my mentor Digital Deepak. If you like this article then don’t forget to give your valuable feedback :)




I’m Dheeraj, an aspiring blogger, music lover, and guitar enthusiast who help people to improve their musical skills & knowledge by providing the best content.